I am a Ph.D. student in Data Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS), supervised by Assoc. Prof. Bryan Kian Hsiang Low. I received my Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Data Science & Analytics and a minor in Computer Science from NUS in 2020. I am currently supported by the President’s Graduate Fellowship jointly offered by the NUS Graduate School Integrative Sciences and Engineering Programme (ISEP) and the Institute of Data Science (IDS), and the Singapore Data Science Consortium (SDSC) Dissertation Research Fellowship.

Research Interests

My interests include, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Collaborative machine learning (e.g., data valuation, federated learning, incentives, fairness)
  • Resource-efficient machine learning (e.g., Bayesian optimization)
  • Large language models (e.g., prompting)
  • Deep learning & applications


* = equal contribution


  • Prompt Optimization with EASE? Efficient Ordering-aware Automated Selection of Exemplars.
    Zhaoxuan Wu*, Xiaoqiang Lin*, Zhongxiang Dai, Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, See-Kiong Ng, Patrick Jaillet, and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37: 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-24).
    Also in ICML Workshop on In-Context Learning 2024.

  • Localized Zeroth-Order Prompt Optimization.
    Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, Zongmin Yu, Zhaoxuan Wu, Xiangqiang Lin, Zhongxiang Dai, See-Kiong Ng, and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low.
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37: 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-24) - Spotlight.
    Also in ICML Workshop on In-Context Learning 2024.

  • Data-Centric AI in the Age of Large Language Models.
    Xinyi Xu, Zhaoxuan Wu, Rui Qiao, Arun Verma, Yao Shu, Jingtan Wang, Xinyuan Niu, Zhenfeng He, Jiangwei Chen, Zijian Zhou, Gregory Kang Ruey Lau, Hieu Dao, Lucas Agussurja, Rachael Hwee Ling Sim, Xiaoqiang Lin, Wenyang Hu, Zhongxiang Dai, Pang Wei Koh, and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low.
    In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2024 (EMNLP-24) Findings.

  • Use Your INSTINCT: INSTruction optimization for LLMs usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers.
    Xiaoqiang Lin*, Zhaoxuan Wu*, Zhongxiang Dai, Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, See-Kiong Ng, Patrick Jaillet, and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low.
    In Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-24).
    [project page | code]




Book Chapters

Invited Talks

Academic Activities

  • Conference Reviewer
    • AAAI 2024
    • AISTATS 2024
    • IJCAI 2024
    • ICLR 2023, 2024
    • AAMAS 2023, 2024
    • ICML 2022, 2023, 2024
    • NeurIPS 2022, 2023
    • ACML 2022, 2023
  • Received Top Reviewer for NeurIPS 2023